Beautiful Experiment by January Valentine

Release Date: 30th June 2013
Brief Synopsis.

Six teens are en route to an elite facility for delinquents in Louisiana, when the SUV they are riding in is run off the road. Days later they arrive on an uncharted tropical island, with no memory of their transport other than the cruel yeoman who delivers them to shore in a skiff. They are met by a man they are forced to call Father, and a mysterious teenage boy named Brook.

The six are referred to as waywards, informed they have been sent to the island for rehabilitation by their parents. While they struggle with their predicament, they come to a shocking realization … they might never be able to return home again.

Brook has lived on the Island of Defiance his entire life, with no choice but to believe everything he has been taught. As he approaches eighteen, the secret of who he is, and the ultimate fate he must face, begins to unfold. To complicate matters even more, Brook grows to experience something he has never known … love.

How do you convince a stranger a dreadful mistake has been made? Gabriella Winslow is an honors student who has always helped others, but now has to fight for herself. Something unimaginable wants her as much as the island boy with whom she is falling in love.

Beautiful Experiment is Book One of The Island Of Defiance Trilogy by January Valentine



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