Blogger Book Fair: Interview with Aoife Marie Sheridan

Richard Levesque


Blogger Book Fair continues today with an interview with Irish fantasy author Aoife Marie Sheridan.


Question: How, and when, did you decide to become a writer?
Answer: I have always written but mostly poetry, it’s always been my way to deal with my emotions, no matter how big or small. Two years ago I lost two people I was close too. I had never lost anyone before, so I didn’t deal very well with it. One night I had a dream of a man and women on a horse, passing through a wall of fire. The dream lingered with me, as did my grief. So instead of writing poetry I started my story. My starting point was my dream and I worked my way from there. Eden Forest helped me once again deal with death, and all that comes with it. So in a way I am very…

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